Need to report a problem?
We know how important it is for you to have a safe, secure and happy home and as such, we have a dedicated maintenance team in our office who will take your concerns and ensure that they are taken seriously. Please note, we can currently ONLY accept maintenance reporting via our dedicated email inbox, so if you have an issue send it to
Should you have an emergency out of normal business hours which may cause injury to a person or the property, please call our EMERGENCY number, 01752 936036 - This is for Emergency use only!
Please note, House2Home Lets Ltd are an agent acting on behalf of your landlord. As such, the typical process we must follow is detailed below with our team monitoring throughout:
Issue initially reported to dedicated inbox
Issue evaluated by the team and raised with the landlord if appropriate
If the landlord does not have their own preferred contractor, we allocate a priority rating to the issue and forward to relevant contractors. The contractors will schedule in a visit with you based on the priority rating and depending on the problem will attend in order to prepare a quotation, to undertake the repair or provide suitable advice.
If a quotation is required, the contractor will provide this to our maintenance team, who then pass to landlord for agreement
Contractors are then instructed and will contact you to book works in and advise timescales if it's a larger job.
Contractor reports job complete to our maintenance team
Please be aware, it is your responsibility as the tenant to regularly test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, replacing batteries where possible. Should either of these be inaccessible (i.e on a very high ceiling) or remain inoperative after replacing batteries / are of the type that do not have replaceable batteries, please let us know ASAP via the email address above. Similar advice applies to light bulbs etc.